Friday 25 August 2017

Spinal Stenosis Relief – Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Glance!

In the world of medical science, stenosis means the abnormal narrowing of a body channel. When combined with the term spinal, it can be defined as a narrowing of the bone channel occupied by the spinal cord or spinal nerves. While some people develop spinal stenosis as part of the degenerative cascade, others are born with a congenital form. Some people do not feel the effects of the narrowing pain however as part of the natural ageing process, they eventually notice weakness, numbness or radiating pain secondary to the spinal cord or nerve compression.

When it comes to the treatment, spinal stenosis relief depends on the type of stenosis you are suffering from. There are two types of stenosis – cervical and lumbar. While narrowing might take place at different parts of the spine, the nerve compression symptoms are often similar. It is primarily because of this reason that doctors perform tests to determine the location and cause of narrowing for Spinal Stenosis Relief Atlanta.

Here You Will Learn About Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

In this particular condition, the spinal nerve roots located in the lower back become compressed and this can lead to symptoms of sciatica such as numbness, weakness or tingling that radiates from the lower back and goes into the legs and buttocks – particularly when performing an activity.

It is often that lumbar spinal stenosis mimics symptoms related to vascular insufficiency. Both these conditions can trigger claudication that means pain while walking. In fact, in the classic description, people who have spinal stenosis would describe an onset of pain in leg or feeling weak at the time of walking however will experience relief when sitting. Many people describe increased tolerance to waling when flexed forward such as while leaning forward on a shopping cart or when walking.

Spinal Stenosis Surgery Atlanta is recommended only when a patient fails to shows nay signs of improvement with conservative treatment. Initial treatment includes lifestyle changes, exercises, therapies and combination of treatments.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Spinal Stenosis Relief in Atlanta – Approach and Management

When it comes to Spine Stenosis Relief in Atlanta, the first thing that you need to pay attention to is consult the experienced and expert orthopedic surgeon. In most cases, the approach of treatment is the management of the condition preventing neurological sequelae and providing symptomatic relief. The treatment usually begins with physical therapy and pharmacologic therapy to provide temporary respite from the pain and discomfort. Non-surgical treatments for the treatment aim at providing symptomatic relief; anti-inflammatory agents, antispasmodics and analgesics to reduce acute exacerbations.

Spinal Stenosis Surgery in Atlanta is suggested when the symptoms and signs correlate with the radiologic evidence of spinal stenosis. Surgery is indicated in cases where significant incapacitating pain, myelopathy (cervicothoracic), radiculopathy and neurogenic claudication (lumbar) is present. As far as choice of the surgical procedure and the decision to join the spine is considered, it should be individualized for optimizing the outcome.

Characteristics associated with greater treatment effects of the surgical procedure include predominant leg pain, Oswestry Disability Index ≤56, the presence of a neurologic deficit, neuroforaminal Stenosis, not lifting at work and predominant leg pain. Generally, with the exception of smokers, only patients who meet inclusion criteria are able to improve with surgery than with other treatments. It is important for spinal stenosis surgery patients to cease smoking before surgery.

The kind of treatment depends entirely on an individual. The most important factor that determines the success of the treatment is the selection of Spinal Stenosis Surgeon in Atlanta. Make sure that the surgeon you choose is experienced, skilled and board-certified. Do run an online search before choosing the one. Read reviews and feedbacks before making any decision. Given that it is an intricate surgical procedure, success of the surgery, to a great extent, depends on the experience and expertise of the surgeon.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Cervical Herniated Disc Treatment – Is Arm Pain Worrying You?

There are several health problems which occur with time. And, it is very important for most of you to understand that timely treatment can prevent further deterioration of the condition and so is the case with cervical herniated disc. It is a condition which is diagnosed when the inner core of the disk in the neck leaks out of the disc or herniates while pressing the adjacent nerve root. The condition usually affects the people between the age group of thirty and fifty years of age. While there is very possibility that the condition might originate from some type of neck injury or trauma, the signs commonly begins spontaneously.

Usually, those who develop this condition experience pain in arm. The pain is consequential to the herniated disc material which presses or pinches on a cervical nerve. This, in turn, causes pain to radiate along the nerve which goes down to the arm. Patients experiencing this condition also suffer from tingling, numbness and pain in arm. It often goes down the arm right into the fingertips. Also might be present muscles weakness. If you have been experiencing this condition for a long time and yet not have consulted an orthopedic surgeon then do it right away as there is very possibility you might have developed Cervical Herniated Disc Atlanta.

The discs located in the cervical spine are not very large. In addition, there is also not a lot of space which is available for the nerves. In other words, even a small cervical disc herniation might impinge on the nerve and lead to significant pain and discomfort. Always remember that the pain in arm is usually extremely severe because the nerves first become pressed or pinched. A visit to the spine or orthopedic surgeon is the best way to learn about the Cervical Herniated Disc Treatment options so as to resume daily activities.